Way to start a training week yesterday… after flying to Houston on Sunday, my Monday morning schedule took me to nearby Galvestion for a private screening of the IMAX movies Blue Planet and Hubble 3D. Sitting next to me in an empty theater, the people who made those movies, along with several other legendary IMAX productions from and about space: Toni Myers and James Neihouse.
I still can hardly believe it, but I will help make the next IMAX movie from space! Together with other crewmembers of upcoming expeditions, I’ll do my best to make sure that the production team has the necessary footage to put together the next amazing movie experience of space for viewers all over the world. It doesn’t get much more exciting than that!
Of course, it’s not free fun, we need to go through the necessary training to be able to operate the equipment. Even more important, we need to understand how scenes have to be shot to be suitable for projection on the giant IMAX screens. That’s why, even before being exposed to the dedicated still and video cameras we’ll use on ISS, I watched a couple of movies with Toni and James, who did their best to help me see them from the perspective of the person behind the camera. What was great? What could have been shot better?
Looking forward to learning more from these experienced movie-makers. And I hope you’re as excited as I am about a new IMAX space movie coming out – although we’ll have to wait until 2016 to enjoy it!
Picture: a scene from the IMAX 3D movie, shot in space from the Shuttle cargo bay during a Hubble Space Telescope repair mission.
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